WHAT'S IN THIS BOOK? This book describes the underlying principles and the methods used to develop strength. It covers in detail the commonly used approaches and the advanced techniques used by elite power lifters and strength athletes, as well as explaining how and why they work. It's a specialist publication intended for coaches but will also provide valuable information for anyone wishing to improve their own individual strength for sports performance. Each method described has comments on its suitability for specific strength improvement based on years of my own observations and diaries...
WHAT'S IN THIS BOOK? This book describes the underlying principles and the methods used to develop strength. It covers in detail the commonly used app...
This book has been updated as edition 2 for 2015 and re-written using a plain English editor for easier reading. It describes the methods used to improve the bench press through better technique as well as increased strength. It's a specialist publication intended for coaches and competing power lifters but will provide valuable information for anyone wishing to improve their bench press performance. In developing greater strength in any movement your own brain is the major driver in the construction process, it's not simply a matter of lifting weights. You need to train intelligently using...
This book has been updated as edition 2 for 2015 and re-written using a plain English editor for easier reading. It describes the methods used to impr...
WHAT'S IN THIS BOOK? This is a specialist publication intended for coaches of strength athletes and competing powerlifters but it will provide valuable information for anyone wishing to improve their sports coaching understanding and ability. Inside you will find how to use practical every day methods to gain the best from your own training programmes or the individuals you coach based on my 40 years of experience as a boxing trainer, gym owner, weightlifting and powerlifting coach. My experiences, both failures and successes as a sports coach have been honed over many years while training...
WHAT'S IN THIS BOOK? This is a specialist publication intended for coaches of strength athletes and competing powerlifters but it will provide valuabl...
This short book covers the key issues involved in the muscular recovery from strength training programmes, and the entirely new concept of the hangover. Most trainees and coaches are unaware of the factors that must be taken into account for the recovery into super compensation following intense muscular exercise and while this concept is covered within my other books I feel it deserves its own seperate publication. While training elite powerlifters as well as new trainees over the last few years I have become increasingly aware of a hidden fatigue element imposed by the use of additional...
This short book covers the key issues involved in the muscular recovery from strength training programmes, and the entirely new concept of the hangove...
FOREWORD BY THE AUTHOR 'There are many ways to skin a cat', as my old gran used to say, but some ways are better than others, and some will leave you with a bloody mess. This old fashioned non 'PC' quote applies to many things, and strength training is no exception. You could say, 'there are many ways to lift a barbell', and of course you would be right, the different approaches and methods that may be applied in training to gain strength are very varied, from the simple and practical to the weird and dangerous, but, it has to be said that even a totally impractical and downright weird...
FOREWORD BY THE AUTHOR 'There are many ways to skin a cat', as my old gran used to say, but some ways are better than others, and some will leave you ...