The story opens in New York City. GAILE PETER's single mom, a fashion artist, dies in a terrible car accident, and Gaile, African-American, 15, is willed as a deathbed wish to her mother's oldest friend, SHIRLEY JANSSEN, white, in her late 30's, also a single mom. Gaile moves in with Shirley, and her fifteen year old daughter, CHESLEY. Although they've known each other all their lives, Chesley and Gaile have little in common. Pretty, athlete, popular, self-centered Gaile is embarrassed by nerdy, klutzy, insecure Chesley. Gaile tries to contact her long missing jazz musician father, BOOKER, in...
The story opens in New York City. GAILE PETER's single mom, a fashion artist, dies in a terrible car accident, and Gaile, African-American, 15, is wil...