The adventures of a young customs officer who leaves his close knit community to find himself in an alien world of smuggling and international intrigue. The book details his adventures on his journey, in the 1960s, from a "wet behind the ears" rookie, to an experienced revenue man"
The adventures of a young customs officer who leaves his close knit community to find himself in an alien world of smuggling and international intrigu...
The adventures of a young customs officer who leaves his close knit community to find himself in an alien world of smuggling and international intrigue. The book details his adventures on his journey, in the 1960s, from a "wet behind the ears" rookie, to an experienced revenue man."
The adventures of a young customs officer who leaves his close knit community to find himself in an alien world of smuggling and international intrigu...
Richard West didn't want to be psychic. He tried, over the years, to ignore the voices that he heard and the gentle prods he received from a higher place. However, he always wondered why his hands got warm when he was near someone unwell. He also became accustomed to a certain sense of knowing about people and events before they happened and used this to good advantage in his life, first as a customs officer and later as a successful businessman. In the end, Richard couldn't avoid the persistent nudging. As his life unfurled, his reticence shrank and his inquisitiveness grew. The Reluctant...
Richard West didn't want to be psychic. He tried, over the years, to ignore the voices that he heard and the gentle prods he received from a higher pl...
Richard West didn't want to be psychic. He tried, over the years, to ignore the voices that he heard and the gentle prods he received from a higher place. However, he always wondered why his hands got warm when he was near someone unwell. He also became accustomed to a certain sense of knowing about people and events before they happened and used this to good advantage in his life, first as a customs officer and later as a successful businessman. In the end, Richard couldn't avoid the persistent nudging. As his life unfurled, his reticence shrank and his inquisitiveness grew. The Reluctant...
Richard West didn't want to be psychic. He tried, over the years, to ignore the voices that he heard and the gentle prods he received from a higher pl...