"Footprints" is a story that twists you around and around and deposits you in the most unexpected place. Scott Hrdinsky and his Uncle Joe live on a quiet farm in rural America in the not too distant future. When Scott was eight years old, he received a unique dog named Dozer as a gift from a family friend. When Dozer, a cross breed of an android and a cybernetic organism, fails to wake up one morning, Scott and Uncle Joe embark on a secret mission to save him. Scott and Uncle Joe end up in a tactical, science fiction adventure as they confront Commander Manson Kurse, the supreme leader of the...
"Footprints" is a story that twists you around and around and deposits you in the most unexpected place. Scott Hrdinsky and his Uncle Joe live on a qu...
You watch the TV news every night and think you know what's going on... think again. Three friends stumble upon information that describes an underwater excavation site and refinery that processes a newly discovered source of energy. Who built the site? What is the fuel used for? What happened on December 26, 2004? The friends are determined to reveal the truth about their findings to the public and realize that just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right. "The Scorpion is a Techno-Thriller on steroids "
You watch the TV news every night and think you know what's going on... think again. Three friends stumble upon information that describes an underwat...