Hanging Dog, An Appalachian Community is a sequel to my Appalachian novel, Darby. Hanging Dog is a story of the love and struggles of a young couple and their two small children. Isaac Caldwell, who after surviving World War II, purchased a small farm in the Appalachian Community of Hanging Dog in Western North Carolina. Isaac and his wife Shirley, were looking forward to their new life, and welcoming the struggles of making their small farm a success. Instead, they became involved with three bullies who had murdered the previous owners, raped his wife, and killed a neighbor who had alerted...
Hanging Dog, An Appalachian Community is a sequel to my Appalachian novel, Darby. Hanging Dog is a story of the love and struggles of a young couple a...
A romance/mystery novel containing danger, suspense, romance and intrigue. A story of abuse, deceit, murder, kidnapping, insanity, and treachery. It is a story of the love that developed between an emergency room doctor and a physically, mentally, and emotionally abused patient, Willa Mae. The patient was abused by her husband, the spoiled son of a wealthy and influential family, who would go to any length, even murder, to exact revenge. The novel takes the reader through years of tumultuous times, while during these times, the love of this couple grew ever stronger and to the point where...
A romance/mystery novel containing danger, suspense, romance and intrigue. A story of abuse, deceit, murder, kidnapping, insanity, and treachery. It i...
Marcy is a story of a rescue dog - A Maltese When we rescued her she had mites so badly that her hair was falling out. She is now so loving and fun to be around, yet, she still has her "little ways."
Marcy is a story of a rescue dog - A Maltese When we rescued her she had mites so badly that her hair was falling out. She is now so loving and fun to...