The Ancient is an anthology of short stories, all revolving around the notion of Aladdin's Lamp. Some of these stories use an actual lamp, some of them use a different object. But in each story, the object has some unusual magical aspect that stays with it from one person to the next. Be careful what you wish for...
The Ancient is an anthology of short stories, all revolving around the notion of Aladdin's Lamp. Some of these stories use an actual lamp, some of the...
A Step Outside of Normal is the first in the Read on the Run series. It is an anthology of seven short stories, by five different authors, presenting situations which are almost, but not quite, normal. Not really supernatural, not really fantasy, not really general fiction. But what they all share is that each is a little bit "off." And short, to suit your busy lifestyle. Hell of a Day, by Laurie Axinn Gienapp, is about a young man who has to deal with divorced parents who don't like each other... but with an unusual setting.
Sunnybrook Acres, by Catherine Valenti, is a...
A Step Outside of Normal is the first in the Read on the Run series. It is an anthology of seven short stories, by five different authors, presenti...
Laurie Axinn Gienapp Sarah Doebereiner Catherine Valenti
Fifteen short stories involving pets. But don't think for a moment that you'll "See Spot Run," or that Lassie will save her master who's fallen in the well. Those are common pet tales, and these are Uncommon Pet Tales. Within this collection, you'll find a little bit of romance, a little bit of revenge, a few ghosts, and some fantasy and magic. You'll find some uncommon pets such as Katelynn, and Mr. MacCawber, and you'll find some uncommon stories, such as Patience, and Schrodinger's Other Cat. You'll find stories of man's (or woman's) best friend, and stories where the...
Fifteen short stories involving pets. But don't think for a moment that you'll "See Spot Run," or that Lassie will save her master who's fall...