Summary: Sailor Eyes, the lost manuscript of Alexander Hackett, written circa 1953 is a fictional account of life on the Cape outside Boston, Massachusetts in the 1850s. It follows the lives of an aristocrat ship builder, his debutante daughter, rugged and brave ship captains, widows and a young man who has sailor eyes. Courting story lines are weaved into this charming tale of land and sea and heart. The manuscript was passed down for generations and eventually forgotten until it arrived without ceremony at the passing of the late author's wife. The grandson, William Turrell, wishes to honor...
Summary: Sailor Eyes, the lost manuscript of Alexander Hackett, written circa 1953 is a fictional account of life on the Cape outside Boston, Massachu...
Sailor Eyes, the novel, written circa 1953, is a fictional account of life on the Cape outside Boston, Massachusetts in the 1850s. It follows the lives of an aristocrat ship builder, his debutante daughter, rugged and brave ship captains, widows and a young man who has sailor eyes. Courting story lines are weaved into this charming tale of land and sea and heart. The manuscript was passed down for generations and eventually forgotten until it arrived without ceremony at the passing of the late author's wife. The grandson, William Turrell, wished to honor his step-grandfather, who passed in...
Sailor Eyes, the novel, written circa 1953, is a fictional account of life on the Cape outside Boston, Massachusetts in the 1850s. It follows the live...