Desafortunadamente, muchas parejas no han aprendido a amarse el uno al otro.
Cuando no conocemos a otra persona, es imposible amarla porque no sabemos lo que le agrada o le molesta, sus suenos y batallas, o como piensa. En tal ignorancia, cometeremos errores en nuestra relacion, y asi causaremos muchos problemas. Estos problemas nos haran alejarnos, aun estando casados y aun cuando alguna vez estabamos enamorados.
Si se ha estado preguntando:
Me case con la persona correcta?
Por que es mi conyuge tan frio...
El matrimonio es idea de Dios.
Desafortunadamente, muchas parejas no han aprendido a amarse el uno al otro.
Marriage was God's idea. He decided that man and woman should be "one flesh." Furthermore, the Bible says "God is love ."
Unfortunately, many couples never learned to love each other. A feeling, passion or some other influence brought them together, but they never learned how to study or explore each other, or discover what makes them happy. When you do not know another person it is impossible to love them because you do not know what pleases or annoys them, their dreams and struggles, or how they think. In such ignorance, you will make many mistakes in your relationship and so...
Marriage was God's idea. He decided that man and woman should be "one flesh." Furthermore, the Bible says "God is love ."