A captivating mystery story about how a boy's reluctant summer vacation turns into an epic adventure. Ralph, along with his cat with unique kaleidoscope eyes, reluctantly visits his uncle for the summer. He quickly becomes fascinated with the village's persona. Also, Ralph, his cousin and her two friends, soon discover they are the next generation faced with learning the truth about a supposed flying creature, as well as unlocking the secrets of a visiting trinketeer's mystic gifts. Target reading ages are 8 to 12, both male and female. Reprint August 2014: Please note the editors made...
A captivating mystery story about how a boy's reluctant summer vacation turns into an epic adventure. Ralph, along with his cat with unique kaleidosco...
An intriguing quirky mystery short story written in both English and Spanish. It is easily read while waiting for a dentist, doctor and other appointment. Jack, a young private detective is hired to help explain the bizarre behavior portrayed by a small town's original founding family's women throughout the last 150 years. Jack, inquisitively, follows Ms. Matda in hopes of discovering some "truths" his employer are looking for. The cloud of dust, the machine, and the discovered peculiar change of events from one side of the fence to the other change this young detective's life perspective....
An intriguing quirky mystery short story written in both English and Spanish. It is easily read while waiting for a dentist, doctor and other appointm...