Occasonally, a tale comes along that has been lost in the mists of time. Often the story starts out as just another mundane event in daily life until something else comes out from behind the shadows. And when it does, nobody can escape the fire storm that follows, especially when the masked one demands so much of our attention. Because in the end, the consequences of his actions eventually consume all of those in its path. William McBride was such a person in the early 14th century, when he came in contact with the Logan brothers of Lanark, who were also known to the locals as the Gemini...
Occasonally, a tale comes along that has been lost in the mists of time. Often the story starts out as just another mundane event in daily life until ...
Occasonally, a tale comes along that has been lost in the mists of time. Often the story starts out as just another mundane event in daily life until something else comes out from behind the shadows. And when it does, nobody can escape the fire storm that follows, especially when the masked one demands so much of our attention. Because in the end, the consequences of his actions eventually consume all of those in its path. William McBride was such a person in the early 14th century, when he came in contact with the Logan brothers of Lanark, who were also known to the locals as the Gemini...
Occasonally, a tale comes along that has been lost in the mists of time. Often the story starts out as just another mundane event in daily life until ...