Cosmic Colossal, the brainchild of Aishwarya Pandey, is a true roller coaster of a ride as it takes the reader on a journey through the spirit dimension of the universe. Semester, the central character in the novel, is exiled to the earth, and it is through this exile that the spiritual and physical aspects of the universe overlap with each other. The personalities of the story's characters are well-developed to the extent that they help take the reader deep into the ethos of the plot. Whether the reader is a professional scientist or a sci-fi enthusiast, Cosmic Colossal, brings about an...
Cosmic Colossal, the brainchild of Aishwarya Pandey, is a true roller coaster of a ride as it takes the reader on a journey through the spirit dimensi...
Cosmic Colossal, the brainchild of Aishwarya Pandey, is a true roller coaster of a ride as it takes the reader on a journey through the spirit dimension of the universe. Semester, the central character in the novel, is exiled to the earth, and it is through this exile that the spiritual and physical aspects of the universe overlap with each other. The personalities of the story's characters are well-developed to the extent that they help take the reader deep into the ethos of the plot. Whether the reader is a professional scientist or a sci-fi enthusiast, Cosmic Colossal, brings about an...
Cosmic Colossal, the brainchild of Aishwarya Pandey, is a true roller coaster of a ride as it takes the reader on a journey through the spirit dimensi...