Across Town presents twelve fantastic short stories, all written by Central Ohio authors. Each fictional tale is set in Columbus, Ohio. These creative, engaging stories, ranging from romantic comedy to adventure to science fiction, will satisfy readers of all types. The work of Central Ohio authors like Amy S. Dalrymple, John P. Deever, Gabrielle Gold, William J. Hallal, Justin N. Hanson, Brenda Layman, David Meeks, Todd Metcalf, Andrew Miller, Daniel O'Riordan, Brad Pauquette and Cynthia Rosi will lead you on an unforgettable journey amongst real Central Ohio landmarks and places like The...
Across Town presents twelve fantastic short stories, all written by Central Ohio authors. Each fictional tale is set in Columbus, Ohio. These creative...
While You Were Out, complete with fifteen witty, insightful, compelling, sometimes serious tales, presents the work of some of Columbus, Ohio's most talented writers. These engaging, inspiring short stories of resurrection will revive your spirit of imagination. You won't find any zombies or vampires in the pages of this book. From adventure to romance, comedy to science fiction, and every genre in between, inside you'll find fictional and non-fictional stories of people, animals, relationships, and even a car, that die and are resurrected. This anthology includes the work of Deborah Cottle,...
While You Were Out, complete with fifteen witty, insightful, compelling, sometimes serious tales, presents the work of some of Columbus, Ohio's most t...