Telepathie, clairvoyance, psychokinesie... voila tous des effets secondaires decoulant de la mise en pratique de ce guide d'entrainement tres puissant concu par MahaVajra, un eveque bouddhiste aguerri dans la sagesse orientale esoterique. Apprenez du maitre lui-meme. Ce guide d'entrainement vous menera vers une experience ou vous ne decouvrirez pas uniquement la puissance de votre Esprit, mais egalement comment creer vos propres outils psychiques qui vous serviront dans votre vie quotidienne. Les effets secondaires decoulant de cet entrainement vous aideront a developper: - Clairvoyance -...
Telepathie, clairvoyance, psychokinesie... voila tous des effets secondaires decoulant de la mise en pratique de ce guide d'entrainement tres puissant...
Las tecnicas de Qi-Gong ensenadas en las primeras lecciones son los metodos basicos que aumentaran su habilidad para experimentar energias espirituales. Tras haber conseguido sentir la energia, nos centraremos en los aspectos practicos de la ciencia oriental esoterica Kuji-In. Le animamos a aprender mas acerca de la Medicina China y los canales de energia en el cuerpo. Asimismo es muy importante para usted elegir una tecnica de meditacion y meditar frecuentemente si quiere beneficiarse del enorme potencial de los metodos explicados en este manual. Para principiantes proporcionamos en este...
Las tecnicas de Qi-Gong ensenadas en las primeras lecciones son los metodos basicos que aumentaran su habilidad para experimentar energias espirituale...
La tecnica Kuji-In que aprendera en este libro es la aproximacion a la transformacion. Es una tecnica que ha sido transmitida durante anos en templos espirituales de maestro a discipulo. A pesar que la tecnica ritual es practicamente la misma que la tradicion japonesa Mikkyo, el aspecto mas importante es el aspecto de la transformacion personal, popular en la vesion Budista Hindu y China. En este sentido, esta tecnica se dirige a un amplio publico, dado que provoca un transformacion tanto en el sanador holistico como en el adepto de artes marciales. Sin embargo, tan solo algunas personas...
La tecnica Kuji-In que aprendera en este libro es la aproximacion a la transformacion. Es una tecnica que ha sido transmitida durante anos en templos ...
En este libro, aprenda el significado de cada dedo en cada mudra, el significado de cada mantra Kuji-In, y profundice la contemplacion para alcanzar el nivel mas elevado de integracion de Kuji-In. Le animo a leer el libro introductorio "Qi-Gong y Kuji-In," luego el intermedio "Kuji-In avanzado" antes de seguir con los detalles tecnicos maestros ofrecidos en este libro. Enfocado en la transformacion del ser en si mismo, Kuji-In es una practica ritual budista que no solo le ayudara a obtener maestria en su vida, sino producira ademas grandes manifestaciones de energia, salud, y fuerza fisica y...
En este libro, aprenda el significado de cada dedo en cada mudra, el significado de cada mantra Kuji-In, y profundice la contemplacion para alcanzar e...
Are you tired of suffering life drama? Are your life experiences working for you, or against you? We will show you how to free yourself of drama, so you can achieve unwavering happiness. This book is the transcription and summary editing of various seminars given by Master MahaVajra. It is to be read like if you were present at a seminar. These were arranged in a way to coherently fit together. Our denials are truly what keeps us blocked in suffering and attached to the past. We are stuck because of our attachments in a fortress of emotions. When these emotions are freed, with the good tools,...
Are you tired of suffering life drama? Are your life experiences working for you, or against you? We will show you how to free yourself of drama, so y...
Kuji-In is a ritual process that encourages the development of body, mind and spirit. It enhances the nervous system, endocrine system, energy channels of the body, mental abilities, comprehension, quickness of body and mind, and opens doors to greater spiritual depth. It involves the combination of many tools to focus all of the practitioner's attention: hand gesture, spoken words, mental visualization, philosophical contemplation, focus points on the body.
Kuji-In is a ritual process that encourages the development of body, mind and spirit. It enhances the nervous system, endocrine system, energy channel...
Qi is energy in its manifested form, and Gong is the practical method of application. Therefore, Qi-Gong methods are the techniques using the flow of energy inside your body. Qi-Gong is a Chinese art, that I intentionally added to my Kuji-In training. Many of the pretended dangers of over-practicing Kuji-In, can be avoided if the student is able to feel and manipulate his energy correctly. It makes your Kuji-In develop faster and safer. Kuji-In is translated from the Japanese as "Nine Syllables Seals." While your hands seem to be the primary tool in these techniques, each hand mudra is...
Qi is energy in its manifested form, and Gong is the practical method of application. Therefore, Qi-Gong methods are the techniques using the flow of ...
You are highly encouraged to read the introductive books Kuji-in for Everyone and Qi-Gong and Kuji-In before you go on to the advanced techniques offered in this book. Focused on the transformation of self from within, Kuji-in is a Buddhist ritual practice that will not only work you to become the master of your life, but will also produce exceptional observable manifestations of great energy, health, physical and mental strength. Practicing Kuji-In as it is presented here will support and enhance every action you take in life. Your psychic abilities will evolve, and you will achieve an...
You are highly encouraged to read the introductive books Kuji-in for Everyone and Qi-Gong and Kuji-In before you go on to the advanced techniques offe...
You are highly encouraged to read every other book of this series, before you go on to the mastery technical details offered in this book. Focused on the transformation of self from within, Kuji-in is a Buddhist ritual practice that will not only work you to become the master of your life, but will also produce exceptional observable manifestations of great energy, health, physical and mental strength. Practicing Kuji-In as it is presented here will support and enhance every action you take in life. Your psychic abilities will evolve, and you will achieve an expanded perception of the world.
You are highly encouraged to read every other book of this series, before you go on to the mastery technical details offered in this book. Focused on ...
Desde el origen de los tiempos, los hombres han buscado perfeccionar su potencial en todos los campos. Este interes natural hacia la mejora personal normalmente aplicado a los atributos fisicos, ha conducido a los hombres a utilizar todas las tecnicas conocidas para llegar a ser mas fuertes, mas rapidos, mas agiles, con el fin de ganar cuando comparan sus tesoros corporales ante las masas de admiradores con tendencias criticas. Con el tiempo, no solo los guerreros y atletas competian, sino que de una manera mas sutil, tambien los artistas y los comerciantes. La belleza de la siguiente tecnica...
Desde el origen de los tiempos, los hombres han buscado perfeccionar su potencial en todos los campos. Este interes natural hacia la mejora personal n...