Fiza Pathan Susan Hughes Myindependentedito Llpix Photography
There are many facets to love. It can be all-embracing, passionate, fulfilling, platonic. And when this love is shattered, it gives rise to anguish, hate, anger, jealously, and melancholy. There are times when such powerful emotions must be expressed, for to keep them bottled up inside can render one senseless and unbalanced. What better way to find release than through the age-old medium of poetry? It is the author's sincere hope that her poetry will bring solace to others who have endured the same tumultuous experiences with love and heartache. Perhaps the sharing of her words will provide...
There are many facets to love. It can be all-embracing, passionate, fulfilling, platonic. And when this love is shattered, it gives rise to anguish, h...