As the church in the West is found to be mostly dead and covered with Laodicean lukewarm vomit, as The Lord, slips the dead things silently over the side of the storm tossed ship into the dark oblivion of the waves of secular humanism and rising Islam, what remains will need to be fortified with steel to live in a quickly changing anti-Christian world of persecution. There is no better prophecy more equipped to speak to such a remnant who shall be so very besieged. Welcome to Habakkuk, 35 of 66, a prophecy for our time. For more information see Pastor, Rev. Victor Robert...
As the church in the West is found to be mostly dead and covered with Laodicean lukewarm vomit, as The Lord, slips the dead things silently over the s...
Unusual, fresh and challenging these essential Daily Bible Insights rarely whisper, but shout! At last, the Christian world has a relevant and up-to-date honest daily book of Bible insights that speaks to this generation! Night-Whispers have long since been a global endeavour to communicate the God of the whole Bible in very raw terms to very real people. They are presented in such a way as to be read each day and are produced on a regular basis, the 366 daily readings for each year being presented with a unique volume number. That Volume year is then divided into four Quarters. You can start...
Unusual, fresh and challenging these essential Daily Bible Insights rarely whisper, but shout! At last, the Christian world has a relevant and up-to-d...
Unusual, fresh and challenging, these essential Daily Bible Insights rarely whisper, but shout At last, the Christian world has a relevant and up-to-date, honest daily book of Bible insights that speaks to this generation 'Night-Whispers' have long since been a global endeavour to communicate the God of the whole Bible in very raw terms to very real people. They are presented in such a way as to be read each day and are produced on a regular basis, the 366 daily readings for each year being presented with a unique volume number. That 'Volume' year is then divided into four Quarters. You can...
Unusual, fresh and challenging, these essential Daily Bible Insights rarely whisper, but shout At last, the Christian world has a relevant and up-to-...