The quest for his long lost brother, leads Eddie Wright along a path to the Celestial Milwaukee. The journey begins in a 1972 Duster, stick-shift - four on the floor - a car with mystical significance. Along the journey, Eddie meets Nurse Julie, a flamboyant flaky fake who is "one gorgeous babe;" "Pistol-Packing" Lorena who at 33 has been married 12 times with no divorces; the lovely Sondra, mauled by a miserable marriage, who is stunning in her short red Rent-A-Car uniform; a Young Nurse desperately seeking love in all the wrong places; and, of course, Paradise, a 19-year-old waitress with a...
The quest for his long lost brother, leads Eddie Wright along a path to the Celestial Milwaukee. The journey begins in a 1972 Duster, stick-shift - fo...