Methow traditions and Interior Salishan lifeways of north central Washington State, with comparisons for the Fraser Columbia Plateau and Native Americas.
Methow traditions and Interior Salishan lifeways of north central Washington State, with comparisons for the Fraser Columbia Plateau and Native Americ...
Two native cities, Chaco in the Southwest & Cahokia in the Midwest, thriving a thousand years ago, are described & compared with likely living tribes & their religious beliefs, rites & ceremonies to plausibly enliven & repeople these places & times.
Two native cities, Chaco in the Southwest & Cahokia in the Midwest, thriving a thousand years ago, are described & compared with likely living tribes ...
Twenty women over 200 years dedicated to Northwest native life as culture bearers, scholars, and more, along with aspects of gender roles and expressions.
Twenty women over 200 years dedicated to Northwest native life as culture bearers, scholars, and more, along with aspects of gender roles and expressi...