Jake McCluskie is back... last time, he was the Repairman, and he fixed Time and helped flush a demon back to Oblivion. This time, McCluskie is the Redeemer. He must redeem three souls and find Hell's Codes for the Angel of Death. In order to do that, he has to go to Oblivion--into his enemy's cage. No wonder the Redeemer always dies. Satan straightened up in the chair and reached into his coat pocket. "Oh, I almost forgot. As promised, I read your ghost story book." In his hand he held a hard cover edition of my second book entitled: Limbo, Mississippi: A Ghost Story. The plastic cover...
Jake McCluskie is back... last time, he was the Repairman, and he fixed Time and helped flush a demon back to Oblivion. This time, McCluskie is the...