A white-knuckle suspense story set in the year 2075, the distant yet close-enough future, when constant corporate + government surveillance is Standard Operating Procedure. Endless war and endless "security" punch their way through individual lives. And your job level will determine exactly if and how you live and die. In a glittering city in a very internationalized Germany, Jeffrey Cooper, Alabama-born design star, has made a pact with the Devil himself. No matter what age he is, the mega-Corporation running the world will keep him looking movie-star young and handsome. Cooper has left his...
A white-knuckle suspense story set in the year 2075, the distant yet close-enough future, when constant corporate + government surveillance is Standar...
Finally. A private G.P.S. for your own life-positioning you authentically in control of your most suppressed and meaningful feelings and experiences, bringing genuine light to darkness. Desire. It can open new and longed-for worlds for you, connect you to others-and to your own soul-as well as get you into big trouble. Perry Brass explains how to approach desire, how to find your own secret desires, and how to express them safely in a world that destroys privacy every day. He connects you with your own caring Deeper Self, that very real life-line inside you that so much of our...
Finally. A private G.P.S. for your own life-positioning you authentically in control of your most suppressed and meaningful feelings and experience...