A blend of the Gospels that takes out duplications and creates one book of the Gospels from the original texts. Perfect for those who want a condensed version of the New Testament without missing a thing.
A blend of the Gospels that takes out duplications and creates one book of the Gospels from the original texts. Perfect for those who want a condensed...
The book of Acts was written by the Greek physician Luke who goes on to record the life of the early Christian church and the followers of Jesus. Here, in the Acts of the Apostles, sometimes also referred to as the Acts of the Holy Ghost, Luke records about thirty years of history from the ascension of Christ into heaven to the imprisonment of the Apostle Paul in a Roman prison. Acts was written around 60 A.D. and was a continuation of the book of Luke, bridging as it were the books of the Gospels and the letters or Epistles of Paul to the early Christian church of that time. Many events such...
The book of Acts was written by the Greek physician Luke who goes on to record the life of the early Christian church and the followers of Jesus. Here...
The text of this book was taken from the Synoptic Gospels of the Christan Bible, broken up by subject, analyzed and combined. The duplicate or identical material was then removed as to not lose any original text and a composite or blend of the Gospels if you will, was thus created. This blended text is then combined with the Gospel of John in order to put the life and teachings of Christ into one chronological document in order from Christ birth to his death, resurrection and ascension. The Acts of the Apostles is then added to the end to continue the story and the beginning of the early...
The text of this book was taken from the Synoptic Gospels of the Christan Bible, broken up by subject, analyzed and combined. The duplicate or identic...
The Books of Enoch are several works that are attributed to the Enoch of Genesis, son of Jared, father of Methuselah and great-grandfather of Noah. Parts of the first book, Enoch I, are dated between the 3rd and 1st century BC (up to three hundred years before Christ) and primarily written in Ge'ez or the Ethiopic language; therefore also known as the Ethiopian Enoch. Recently small fragments have been found in both Aramaic and Greek in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The second book of Enoch or Enoch II was preserved solely in the Slavonic language and also known as the Slavic Enoch, most likely...
The Books of Enoch are several works that are attributed to the Enoch of Genesis, son of Jared, father of Methuselah and great-grandfather of Noah. Pa...
The Book of Job is widely believed to have taken place in the area of Edom, south of Israel in an area settled by Jacobs's brother Esau during the Patriarchal Period. Here Satan acts as an adversary and challenges God stating that Job, although he is upright and just, is only so because God has provided him with protection and he has all that a man ever needed; family, friends, happiness and wealth. Satan challenges God and vows that if God would take his possessions, that he would curse God. God then allows Satan to take all that Job has, except his health. All that Job owns is then...
The Book of Job is widely believed to have taken place in the area of Edom, south of Israel in an area settled by Jacobs's brother Esau during the Pat...
Daniel is a book of apocalypse, a book of revelation, with a common theme that is in many apocalyptic books such as Isaiah, Zechariah and the Revelation of John. These books are filled with evil and war, dreams and visions, figures and symbols and with the message that God's judgment is imminent and that one must repent and turn from their evil ways. The most intriguing parts of Daniel are the prophecies that are spoken and the interpretations of dreams that all seem to have a common thread. These prophecies are interpreted by many as prophecies of both Daniels near term and in his lifetime...
Daniel is a book of apocalypse, a book of revelation, with a common theme that is in many apocalyptic books such as Isaiah, Zechariah and the Revelati...
There are many interpretations of the Book of Revelation over the centuries. Many have taught that the book speaks in symbols and codes of history past and is influenced by the Jewish book of Daniel and his prophecies as well as the books of Zechariah and Ezekiel. Others believe that this was purely symbolism and messages to the existing churches of that day, primarily to the seven churches which are in Asia; to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Many of these churches were straying from the teachings of Christ and the Apostles and are warned here to...
There are many interpretations of the Book of Revelation over the centuries. Many have taught that the book speaks in symbols and codes of history pas...
It is in understanding the Gravity of the Matter that surrounds us, that we may possibly someday soon lose the hold that gravity has on us; being able to move across space untethered and unchained by its grasp. Transport to far distant stars and planets in other galaxies may soon be realized. We are living in the early twenty-first century, almost 100 years after Einstein's theories were developed. These theories became the foundation of quantum mechanics and modern theoretical physics that is taught in our schools today. Is it not time to begin questioning these old theories again? As Albert...
It is in understanding the Gravity of the Matter that surrounds us, that we may possibly someday soon lose the hold that gravity has on us; being able...
Over the ages, mankind has come to a place in time where he can now, still in a limited way, understand much more about the world around him and what came before him. The stores told by the oracles all have their truths; only through the enlightenment of science, working with empirical and measurable evidence can mankind eventually tell a story of the truth, finally allowing man to see the truth of his past.
Over the ages, mankind has come to a place in time where he can now, still in a limited way, understand much more about the world around him and what ...