'Tipping Point in the Alliance War' is a military science fiction novel, which takes place in the distant future. Earth is the headquarters for the Alliance Systems coalition of galactic civilizations. The Confederation is a competing group of galactic civilizations intent, on destroying all of the Alliance Systems people and planets. The Alliance is on the brink of collapse, because of the Confederation's superior technology and size. The novel follows a single Alliance Navy vessel, as it fights battle after battle, in an endeavor to bring the secrets of the Confederation's technology home,...
'Tipping Point in the Alliance War' is a military science fiction novel, which takes place in the distant future. Earth is the headquarters for the Al...
There is always a need for slaves - someone to do the dirty work, and not get paid. In days past, and in the future, societies will find a way to 'get something for nothing', at the expense, of someone else. Usually, slaves are considered, to be sub-human. That enables the slave owners, to feel justified, in treating them like dogs. For making them sleep outside, in the cold, while the slave-owner sleeps inside, with one of the slave's children. Slavery is always evil. And slave owners are evil people. The people, who turn a 'blind eye' to that evil, enable slavery to continue, and...
There is always a need for slaves - someone to do the dirty work, and not get paid. In days past, and in the future, societies will find a way to 'get...
Augmented Humans have been used, as slaves and as 'cannon fodder', in the Darinx Empire's war, against the Verm Empire. The Augmented Human Rebellion began some 30 years ago, when some Augmented Human soldiers were forced to desert the Darinx Army, or to die a useless death. That company of Darinx Army soldiers was able to capture some Verm Navy vessels, and then they used those warships to escape the wrath of the Darinx Emperor. As they 'ran for their lives', they became stronger in size and in purpose. This wasn't the first rebellion by the 'augmented humans', but it was the first one, with...
Augmented Humans have been used, as slaves and as 'cannon fodder', in the Darinx Empire's war, against the Verm Empire. The Augmented Human Rebellion ...