The tale relates the story of two sisters, daughters of an Anglican vicar, who return from overseas to a drab, lifeless vicarage in the post-First World War East Midlands. Their mother has run off, a scandal that is not talked about by the family. Their new home is dominated by a blind and selfish grandmother along with her mean-spirited, poisonous daughter. The two girls, Yvette and Lucille, risk being suffocated by the life they now lead at the Vicarage.
The tale relates the story of two sisters, daughters of an Anglican vicar, who return from overseas to a drab, lifeless vicarage in the post-First Wor...
El amante de Lady Chatterley (Lady Chatterley's Lover, con frecuencia mencionada de manera abreviada, Lady Chatterley) es una novela de 1928 del escritor britanico David Herbert Lawrence. La obra causo escandalo y fue prohibida en su epoca, debido a las escenas donde se describen relaciones sexuales de manera explicita. No se imprimio en el Reino Unido sino hasta 1960. La historia relata la vida de Constanza, quien esta casada con un hombre paraplejico a raiz de una lesion en la guerra. Un aristocrata intelectual, ciertamente engreido, que incita a su esposa a que se busque un amante que...
El amante de Lady Chatterley (Lady Chatterley's Lover, con frecuencia mencionada de manera abreviada, Lady Chatterley) es una novela de 1928 del escri...