Endeavor: .."to try to do; to set about; to owe; to be under obligation; to try hard; to exert effort; to make an earnest attempt; to strive." Endeavor begins as a story of five families related by blood, marriage, and a sixth surrogate family by love and friendship. It was the sixth family that raised an important question for the author as to how he defines family. Are they (family) only those who are related by blood, marriage, or are they friendship, legal action, or something broader associated with functions that are similar to what we normally associate with a family? Endeavor is about...
Endeavor: .."to try to do; to set about; to owe; to be under obligation; to try hard; to exert effort; to make an earnest attempt; to strive." Endeavo...
Endeavor: .."to try to do; to set about; to owe; to be under obligation; to try hard; to exert effort; to make an earnest attempt; to strive." Endeavor begins as a story of five families related by blood, marriage, and a sixth surrogate family by love and friendship. It was the sixth family that raised an important question for the author as to how he defines family. Are they (family) only those who are related by blood, marriage, or are they friendship, legal action, or something broader associated with functions that are similar to what we normally associate with a family? Endeavor is about...
Endeavor: .."to try to do; to set about; to owe; to be under obligation; to try hard; to exert effort; to make an earnest attempt; to strive." Endeavo...