Dr Eun-Ha Choi National Highway Traffic Safety Administ
This study examines general characteristics of motor vehicle traffic crashes at intersections by analyzing the association of the critical reason with several crash factors such as driver's sex and age, traffic control device, critical pre-crash event, and atmospheric condition. The National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey data collected at crash scenes between 2005 and 2007 is used in statistical analyses such as descriptive analysis, generalized logit model, and configural frequency analysis.
This study examines general characteristics of motor vehicle traffic crashes at intersections by analyzing the association of the critical reason with...
Dr Eun-Ha Choi National Highway Traffic Safety Administ
This study focuses on tire problems as experienced by light vehicles in the pre-crash phase. Of special interest are tire problems such as blowouts or flat tires, tire or wheel deficiency, tire or wheel failure, and tire degradation. The effect of crash factors on a vehicle experiencing such tire problems in the pre-crash phase is examined. Tire tread depth, tire pressure, driving experience, vehicle familiarity, rollover, aggressive driving acts, rollover, vehicle body type, and climatic and road conditions are the candidate factors. The National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey (NMVCCS)...
This study focuses on tire problems as experienced by light vehicles in the pre-crash phase. Of special interest are tire problems such as blowouts or...