The Iron Curtain did not existat least not as we usually imagine it. Rather than a stark, unbroken line dividing East and West in Cold War Europe, the Iron Curtain was instead made up of distinct landscapes, many in the grip of divergent historical and cultural forces for decades, if not centuries. This book traces a genealogy of one such landscapethe woods between Czechoslovakia and West Germanyto debunk our misconceptions about the iconic partition. Yuliya Komska transports readers to the western edge of the Bohemian Forest, one of Europe s oldest borderlands, where in the 1950s...
The Iron Curtain did not existat least not as we usually imagine it. Rather than a stark, unbroken line dividing East and West in Cold War Europe, the...
Arguably more than any other world regions, the area known as Eastern Europe has been defined by its location on the map. Rather than expound on borders and neighbors, Eastern Europe Unmapped raises questions about the meaning and relevance of the area's non-contiguous, frequently global or extraterritorial, entanglements.
Arguably more than any other world regions, the area known as Eastern Europe has been defined by its location on the map. Rather than expound on borde...