Descubre con Alfaguara Clasicos a Don Quijote de la Mancha, el personaje por excelencia de la literatura espanola adaptado para jovenes. Con Prologo de Fernando Savater Alonso Quijano, mas conocido como Don Quijote de la Mancha, se volvio loco por leer demasiados libros de caballerias. Entonces se disfrazo de caballero, tomo su lanza, monto en su caballo Rocinante y, acompanado por su inseparable escudero Sancho Panza, salio a combatir el mal. Asi, creyendose un autentico heroe, vivio las mas increibles aventuras: lucho contra villanos y monstruos, gigantes y brujos...
Descubre con Alfaguara Clasicos a Don Quijote de la Mancha, el personaje por excelencia de la literatura espanola adaptado para jovenes.
The novel "Don Quixote" is over four hundred years old (first appearing in 1605, fifteen years prior to the Mayflower reaching the shores of Massachusetts), yet it is still alive and "fresh" today. Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky called Don Quixote "the ultimate and most sublime work of human thinking." Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens admitted that his most-revered work, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was based on -- or at least heavily influenced by -- this satirical picaresque novel by Cervantes. Ernest Hemingway opined that American literature began with "Huck Finn"; thus, we can trace...
The novel "Don Quixote" is over four hundred years old (first appearing in 1605, fifteen years prior to the Mayflower reaching the shores of Massachus...
The novel "Don Quixote" is over four hundred years old (first appearing in 1605, fifteen years prior to the Mayflower reaching the shores of Massachusetts), yet it is still alive and "fresh" today. Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky called Don Quixote "the ultimate and most sublime work of human thinking." Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens admitted that his most-revered work, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was based on -- or at least heavily influenced by -- this satirical picaresque novel by Cervantes. Ernest Hemingway opined that American literature began with "Huck Finn"; thus, we can trace...
The novel "Don Quixote" is over four hundred years old (first appearing in 1605, fifteen years prior to the Mayflower reaching the shores of Massachus...