1984 Was it a novel, a year, or a time to face the truth? Man had chosen the wrong path; the end was now near. Ever since man has been corrupted; This has been the case with each passing year. The evident consequence is an increase in fear. The horrors that fill the world are so many, but few are mentioned; Why bother when you have a comfortable pension? Computers have brought this destruction. Patience has been lost; man acts through illogical compulsion. The focus to do what is "good" has been diminished. My God It's over; we're all finished What more is there to say? A dear price it is...
1984 Was it a novel, a year, or a time to face the truth? Man had chosen the wrong path; the end was now near. Ever since man has been corrupted; This...
The perpetuation of "consumerism" necessitates living off proceeds of crimes, and hiding those proceeds; this explains why genocide takes place, and money laundering is so prevalent in the world today.
The perpetuation of "consumerism" necessitates living off proceeds of crimes, and hiding those proceeds; this explains why genocide takes place, and m...
THE RATS The village hadn't been abandoned all that long. Soon man appeared; he scurried forth through the night. He appeared human, but, actually, he was a rat. He could gnaw on anything, as long as it wouldn't bite back. The streets, stores, and homes, Were full of the sounds of their scampering feet. Their claws scrapped along floors; Against doors; along halls, and down corridors. Relentlessly, day in, day out, they searched for food, wherever it might be; Around cupboards, within holes, between cracks, and under sofas. They never grew tired of getting their fill. As soon as one meal was...
THE RATS The village hadn't been abandoned all that long. Soon man appeared; he scurried forth through the night. He appeared human, but, actually, he...
Why is America in such a deplorable condition? It is so weak because it hasn't, ever since the Monolith took control of the global economy, been able to recognize it's problems, and, thus, deal with them. Certain words, and phrases, have been created to shield these problems from being rectified; "sexism"; "racism"; "xenophobia"; "Islamophobia"; to name just a few. Every employer should be able to hire, what he considers to be, the best qualified person for each position; that's good business. The Monolith does not make itself rich by businesses being able to run themselves proficiently; they...
Why is America in such a deplorable condition? It is so weak because it hasn't, ever since the Monolith took control of the global economy, been able ...
Why is America in such a deplorable condition? It is so weak because it hasn't, ever since the Monolith took control of the global economy, been able to recognize it's problems, and, thus, deal with them. Certain words, and phrases, have been created to shield these problems from being rectified; "sexism"; "racism"; "xenophobia"; "Islamophobia"; to name just a few. Every employer should be able to hire, what he considers to be, the best qualified person for each position; that's good business. The Monolith does not make itself rich by businesses being able to run themselves proficiently; they...
Why is America in such a deplorable condition? It is so weak because it hasn't, ever since the Monolith took control of the global economy, been able ...
Why is America in such a deplorable condition? It is so weak because it hasn't, ever since the Monolith took control of the global economy, been able to recognize it's problems, and, thus, deal with them. Certain words, and phrases, have been created to shield these problems from being rectified; "sexism"; "racism"; "xenophobia"; "Islamophobia"; to name just a few. Every employer should be able to hire, what he considers to be, the best qualified person for each position; that's good business. The Monolith does not make itself rich by businesses being able to run themselves proficiently; they...
Why is America in such a deplorable condition? It is so weak because it hasn't, ever since the Monolith took control of the global economy, been able ...
Why is America in such a deplorable condition? It is so weak because it hasn't, ever since the Monolith took control of the global economy, been able to recognize it's problems, and, thus, deal with them. Certain words, and phrases, have been created to shield these problems from being rectified; "sexism"; "racism"; "xenophobia"; "Islamophobia"; to name just a few. Every employer should be able to hire, what he considers to be, the best qualified person for each position; that's good business. The Monolith does not make itself rich by businesses being able to run themselves proficiently; they...
Why is America in such a deplorable condition? It is so weak because it hasn't, ever since the Monolith took control of the global economy, been able ...