"My earliest memories of my life were of a family in a constant state of emotional and psychological chaos and turmoil. ... Oftentimes, fear filled my mind as I tried to find a safe place to hide from that scary presence in my home. That presence, that person in my home, was my dad." Drew Brett, a child growing up in the Midwest in the 1970s, wants a place to feel safe in a stable home. His father, normal and well-adjusted in the eyes of everyone outside of the family, is abusive toward his wife and two children. Whenever someone challenges Dad, he becomes defensive and enraged and takes it...
"My earliest memories of my life were of a family in a constant state of emotional and psychological chaos and turmoil. ... Oftentimes, fear filled my...
"My earliest memories of my life were of a family in a constant state of emotional and psychological chaos and turmoil. ... Not everyone knows the pain of a childhood lived with a narcissist parent. Or, the heartache that comes with knowing that your feelings, your emotional well-being are secondary to that of a pathologically disordered adult. The child that lives a life with a narcissist parent learns that the adult that is supposed to provide unconditional care, love and support is incapable. In all aspects of life, the child's needs are an after-thought, if even that much. Often, the...
"My earliest memories of my life were of a family in a constant state of emotional and psychological chaos and turmoil. ... Not everyone knows the pai...