A comprehensive guide to using Excel for elementary statistics. Includes over 60 functions for Excel 2007-2013, from basic descriptive statistics to hypothesis testing. Topics include: Range, Mean, Mode, Median, Interquartile Range, Standard Error, the Data Analysis Toolpak, Skewness, Kurtosis, finding samples, T-Tests, Z-Tests, ANOVA, regression and dozens more. Stephanie Glen has taught college-level statistics since 2007 and is the author of the popular statistics help website, StatisticsHowTo.com.
A comprehensive guide to using Excel for elementary statistics. Includes over 60 functions for Excel 2007-2013, from basic descriptive statistics to h...
Mathematics Learning Disorder (commonly called "dyscalculia") is a brain-based learning disorder that affects arithmetic skills. Dyscalculia doesn't mean that your child will fail math. Dyscalculia is a recognized learning disability, so schools and colleges will usually make accommodations for dyscalculic students. This informative guide covers the causes for dyscalculia, how to get a diagnosis, what to expect in school after a diagnosis, and tips for parents to help their dyscalculic child.
Mathematics Learning Disorder (commonly called "dyscalculia") is a brain-based learning disorder that affects arithmetic skills. Dyscalculia doesn't m...