Leadership Lessons from a Biblical Great.Fast-paced change presents new challenges for leaders, but biblical principles about leadership and relationships are timeless.Nowhere is this more evident than in the life of David. Who's Got Your Back? examines the leadership lessons you can learn from David's relationships with friends, family, and foes. You'll learn how to apply these lessons by answering the questions for development at the end of each chapter. Perfect for individuals, leadership teams, and small groups, you'll discover timeless wisdom valuable for leaders today, tomorrow, and...
Leadership Lessons from a Biblical Great.Fast-paced change presents new challenges for leaders, but biblical principles about leadership and relations...
King David is called 'a man after God's own heart, ' but he is far from perfect. The combination of his humanness and the earnest way he seeks after God is what makes him such a good, biblical example of leadership. In Who's By Your Side, the author who brought us Who's Got Your Back delves into several more characters who appear in David's life story. Spoiler alert: The leadership lessons we glean from these stories can often come from these periphery characters rather than from David himself. Each chapter contains components that make Who's By our Side versatile enough for group or...
King David is called 'a man after God's own heart, ' but he is far from perfect. The combination of his humanness and the earnest way he seeks after G...