This collection of simple to use and fun activities will jumpstart pupils understanding of the geographical skills of enquiry, outdoor learning, graphicacy and communication. Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of people, places and issues through being encouraged to think geographically about the world they live in.
Areas covered include: -
Places in my world (personal geography)
Continents and oceans of the world
Human geography (including population, migration, towns and cities, and recreation)...
This collection of simple to use and fun activities will jumpstart pupils understanding of the geographical skills of enquiry, outdoor learning, gr...
Are You Tired of Spending Long Hours in the Gym and Seeing Little to No Payoff for Your Efforts? If so, you're in the right place. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a compact training routine that combines high-intensity exercise intervals with active recovery intervals to promote weight loss while enhancing muscle growth. The average HIIT routine takes just 20 short minutes and is significantly shorter than traditional cardio routines that can take an hour or longer. These short routines are designed to melt fat off of the body and have been shown in a number of studies to...
Are You Tired of Spending Long Hours in the Gym and Seeing Little to No Payoff for Your Efforts? If so, you're in the right place. High-intensity...