The two stories featured here were previously published separately. Both are erotic gay romances for readers of 18+. Island Tales, Volume One Two tales set on the idyllic Isle of Wight, off the south coast of England. A place of outstanding natural beauty, the perfect setting to meet the man of your dreams - although the path to love isn't always smooth.... Waiting for a Prince When trainee hairdresser Mark meets Sam in the salon where he works, it's a case of lust at first sight. Too bad Sam has a girlfriend. When the two men meet and become friends, little does Mark realize that it will...
The two stories featured here were previously published separately. Both are erotic gay romances for readers of 18+. Island Tales, Volume One Two tale...
Quand il avait seize ans, Rich Miller a sauve un jeune homme de la noyade dans sa piscine locale. Il ne savait pas que des annees plus tard, en tant qu'etudiant et espoir olympique de plongeon, Rich se retrouverait une fois de plus face a Johnny Milloway, maintenant un grand joueur de football - et quand Rich dit grand, il veut vraiment dire dans le genre ours. Le timide sportif se souvient de son sauveteur, et les deux hommes deviennent amis. Johnny n'est pas rebute par le fait que Rich est gay. En fait, plus il passe de temps avec Rich, plus il devient curieux. Johnny veut connaitre toutes...
Quand il avait seize ans, Rich Miller a sauve un jeune homme de la noyade dans sa piscine locale. Il ne savait pas que des annees plus tard, en tant q...
*Warning: Mature content* You can only win someone's heart once you've captured it. Nineteen year old Ryder Harrison grew up near a small town in Montana, working on the family's ranch and in love with his best friend, Landon Pennington. That was until his Grandfather decided he needed to go to college in California. Ryder promised his Mom before she died that he would finish his education. Staying true to his word, Ryder packs his clothes, and heads to California, confident that it would all be one big disaster. The only thing he hadn't planned on was meeting Bentley Carter. Twenty year old...
*Warning: Mature content* You can only win someone's heart once you've captured it. Nineteen year old Ryder Harrison grew up near a small town in Mont...
Le journaliste Carter Roberts est prie de faire une interview de Carl Foltz et de Matt Evans pour un article sur leurs vies. Ce n'est pas une mission qu'il apprecie outre mesure: il veut juste y aller, la faire et repartir. Rien que de penser a ce sujet, cela lui retourne l'estomac. L'interview lui en apprend autant sur lui-meme que sur les deux hommes et, pour la premiere fois de sa vie, Carter apprendre a quoi ressemble un veritable chez-soi. Il n'aurait jamais pense que sa rencontre avec les deux hommes changerait sa maniere de penser - et sa vie - pour toujours.
Le journaliste Carter Roberts est prie de faire une interview de Carl Foltz et de Matt Evans pour un article sur leurs vies. Ce n'est pas une mission ...
When he was sixteen years old, Rich Miller saved a young man from drowning at his local pool. Little did he know that years later, as a senior in college and Olympic diving hopeful, Rich would meet up once again with Johnny Milloway, now a big football player - and when Rich says big, he really means 'bear'. The shy jock remembers his saviour, and the two men become friends. Johnny isn't put off by the fact that Rich is gay. In fact, the more time he spends with Rich, the more curious he becomes. Johnny wants to know all kinds of things - what it's like to kiss a guy, for instance. Only it...
When he was sixteen years old, Rich Miller saved a young man from drowning at his local pool. Little did he know that years later, as a senior in coll...
Journalist Carter Roberts was required to interview Carl Foltz and Matt Evans for an article on their lives. It was not an assignment he relished: he just wanted to get there, get it done and get out. Thinking about the subject matter made his stomach churn. The interview reveals as much about himself as about the two men, and for the first time, Carter learns what a real home feels like. He never would have expected that meeting the two men would change his way of thinking - and his life - forever.
Journalist Carter Roberts was required to interview Carl Foltz and Matt Evans for an article on their lives. It was not an assignment he relished: he ...
Apres une soiree romantique, Rich et Johnny sortent a la lumiere du jour en tant que couple. Le comming out de Johnny les oblige a faire face a de graves repercussions tandis que l'equipe de football du lycee s'ajuste a son premier joueur ouvertement gay. Rich travaille toujours en vue des Championnats du Monde de plongee, bien que ses espoirs et ses reves restent fixes sur les Jeux Olympiques de Londres de 2012, mais leur couple doit lutter contre des preoccupations plus proches de chez eux. Avec le soutien de leurs amis et familles, le jeune couple se rapproche, mais avec les prejuges et...
Apres une soiree romantique, Rich et Johnny sortent a la lumiere du jour en tant que couple. Le comming out de Johnny les oblige a faire face a de gra...
Quando Mark, apprendista parrucchiere, vede Sam per la prima volta, e desiderio a prima vista. Sam incarna tutte le fantasie di Mark. Non potrebbe essere piu perfetto di cosi. Certo, c'e quel piccolo particolare insignificante: Sam ha la ragazza. Diavolo... Un caso fortuito fa incontrare i due uomini nella sua spiaggia preferita, e Mark si ritrova con un nuovo amico. Trascorrendo molto tempo insieme, Mark incomincia a vedere Sam non piu come un oggetto del desiderio, ma piu come un qualcuno fatto apposta per lui. Ma innamorarsi del suo nuovo migliore amico, etero, non puo portare altro che un...
Quando Mark, apprendista parrucchiere, vede Sam per la prima volta, e desiderio a prima vista. Sam incarna tutte le fantasie di Mark. Non potrebbe ess...
After being taken prisoner by a Taliban Warlord, can Sam Stone hold on long enough to get his best friend back to his family and find love in the arms of Abbas, the handsome, blue-eyed Arab? Sam Stone has been secretly in love with his best friend and fellow Marine, Benoit, for a long time. It's only after they were captured by a Taliban Warlord that he realizes that he would readily give his life to get Benoit back to his family. But it is Abbas, the Westernized Arab who steals his heart and helps Sam and Benoit regain their freedom. Now Sam has to learn to find true love and help heal not...
After being taken prisoner by a Taliban Warlord, can Sam Stone hold on long enough to get his best friend back to his family and find love in the arms...