An abridgement of Questions on Vocations approved by Cardinal Gibbons and Cardinal Satolli. CONTENTS I. Definition. - Every Person has some special vocation 5 II. Necessity of following a vocation 6 III. Matrimony - Is it a vocation? 9 IV. Mixed Marriages 12 V. Virginity 14 VI. The Three Evangelical Counsels 16 1. Poverty 17 2. Perpetual Chastity 18 3. Obedience 19 VII. The Religious State 20 VIII. Marks of a vocation to the religious state 23 IX. Doubts about a vocation to the religious state 27 X. Encouraging others to enter the religious state 29 XI. Means of preserving a vocation to the...
An abridgement of Questions on Vocations approved by Cardinal Gibbons and Cardinal Satolli. CONTENTS I. Definition. - Every Person has some special vo...