This is a love story which follows two vibrant and intelligent children, a vivacious catholic girl and a mixed Jewish, protestant boy. It is about an adventurous young man and full of life, red haired, green eyed Irish lass. Their tale begins with the meeting of Lee and Rosie in the third grade and moves with their growing up together in Chicago as friends, then husband and wife in Washington D.C. This is a story of a Viet Nam marine veteran Lee, and Rosie who grows to become a gorgeous young lady, lobbyist, and attorney. It is a joyful storey of enduring love, and enthusiasm. These are...
This is a love story which follows two vibrant and intelligent children, a vivacious catholic girl and a mixed Jewish, protestant boy. It is about an ...
This is salute to my fellow fools whose company I most frequently abide -And to the stupid, brainless, dimwitted acts to which I have often guilty of.
This is salute to my fellow fools whose company I most frequently abide -And to the stupid, brainless, dimwitted acts to which I have often guilty of....
L'equipage de l'USS Thor poursuivre les terroristes Isis qui capturent un navire transportant des dechets nucleaires, et de construire une bombe sale ."
L'equipage de l'USS Thor poursuivre les terroristes Isis qui capturent un navire transportant des dechets nucleaires, et de construire une bombe sale ...
"Each day, about 5 million children walk into 274,000 classrooms nationwide and find a substitute. Students today will spend at least one full year with a substitute by the time they graduate from high school -- a figure that's higher in poor schools and destined to increase." The situation today has worsened. It is estimated that more than 300,000 classrooms and over 5.5 million students are taught by substitute teachers each day in the United States. In between jobs, haven't found the job you are best qualified for, don't like rigid structured work schedules, or retired and looking for some...
"Each day, about 5 million children walk into 274,000 classrooms nationwide and find a substitute. Students today will spend at least one full year wi...