Come, Watson Quickly is a suspenseful collection of five new Sherlock Holmes adventures. In it, the British empire's most renowned detective and his biographer-companion, Dr. John H. Watson, confront harrowing situations that confound and stymie the official police until the villain is unveiled by clever deductions and gritty footwork. The first of these five pastiches pits Holmes and Watson in a juggernaut of international intrigue and assassination, with the backdrop of world-famous circus performers caught up in the mayhem. In the second narrative, Holmes is enticed to dispel the notion...
Come, Watson Quickly is a suspenseful collection of five new Sherlock Holmes adventures. In it, the British empire's most renowned detective and his...
Saga of a Latter-Day Saddle Tramp is the captivating true story of Jack Grochot's five-year horseback journey through twelve states, where he encountered many unusual characters and harrowing experiences. He accomplished this trek with his four-legged companions, a double-barrel shotgun, and the good will of more than two hundred rural households. Not all the characters the author came upon were friendly, but for the most part Grochot and his animals were welcome visitors, provoking curiosity as spectacles to behold from a bygone era. As you travel with the author through the Blue Ridge...
Saga of a Latter-Day Saddle Tramp is the captivating true story of Jack Grochot's five-year horseback journey through twelve states, where he encounte...