Randy Henderson continues his dark and quirky urban fantasy series with Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free, set in a world of arcane beings hidden among the mundane townies of Port Townsend, Washington. In this sequel to Randy Henderson's acclaimed debut novel, Finn Fancy Necromancy, Finn Gramaraye is settling back into the real world after his twenty-five-year-long imprisonment in the otherworld of the Fey. He's fallen in love with a woman from his past, though he worries she may love a version of him that no longer exists. He's proven his innocence of the crime of Dark...
Randy Henderson continues his dark and quirky urban fantasy series with Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free, set in a world of arcane beings hi...
Writers of the Future grand prize winner Randy Henderson presents a darkly funny and quirky urban fantasy with Finn Fancy Necromancy, book one in his Familia Arcana series.
Finn Gramaraye was framed for the crime of dark necromancy at the age of 15, and exiled to the Other Realm for twenty five years. But now that he's free, someone probably the same someone is trying to get him sent back. Finn has only a few days to discover who is so desperate to keep him out of the mortal world, and find evidence to prove it to the Arcane Enforcers. They are going to be very hard to...
Writers of the Future grand prize winner Randy Henderson presents a darkly funny and quirky urban fantasy with Finn Fancy Necromancy, book o...