What was the motivation behind the development of Stonehenge over 1500 years?Was it a ceremonial site dedicated to the ancestors...a currently fashionable view?Was it a communal necropolis?An exercise in sophisticated geometry? A calendar for tracking the seasons and longer celestial cycles?A calculator for predicting eclipses? Perhaps at various times it was all these things?Now Professor Gregg has gone back to reassess the design of the site and discovered many startling and unexpected patterns.The same triangle and polygon geometry was used to scale monument features over the full 1500...
What was the motivation behind the development of Stonehenge over 1500 years?Was it a ceremonial site dedicated to the ancestors...a currently fashion...
Physicists tell us that the multiverse is a ramshackle creation at best and that in places the fabric of reality is worn thin. The Green Man Inn on the Wirral peninsula is such a place and when gas fracking begins the Old Powers beneath the local Dragon Paths awake from their long sleep. The final straw comes when Professor Lennox encourages the tenant to re-erect the giant megalith, Odin's Pillar, as a tourist attraction. All hell is let loose. The Society for Unexplained Phenomena find themselves living in interesting times. Every strange traveller captured by the Dragon Nexus seems...
Physicists tell us that the multiverse is a ramshackle creation at best and that in places the fabric of reality is worn thin. The Green Man Inn on th...
See the professional review in Odyssey: the e-journal of the British Interplanetary Society; Jan 2015; www. bis-space.com BOOK SUMMARY Karla Wu Li took the blame for the disaster which was only fair. How many nuclear spaceship designers get to start an atomic war? How many engineers achieve the banning of nuclear power in space for over fifty years? But as we will see Karla makes amends from beyond the grave. By 2085 AI androids go where humans cannot to explore the moons of Jupiter. The lifeforms they find there in Europa's sub-ice ocean are returned to Earth where biologists discover...
See the professional review in Odyssey: the e-journal of the British Interplanetary Society; Jan 2015; www. bis-space.com BOOK SUMMARY Karla Wu Li too...
This is the second book in the Green Man Chronicles series. If you like the supernatural and modern science this is for you. The multiverse is now recognised to be both real and a bit ramshackle in construction. There really are an infinity of worlds just next door; some identical to ours and some very different. These 20 short stories explore some of the implications.Of course in some places reality is worn thin and 'things' can leak between universes. The Green Man Inn (which is real) on the Wirral peninsula in northern England is such a place ...especially now that gas fracking has...
This is the second book in the Green Man Chronicles series. If you like the supernatural and modern science this is for you. The multiverse is now rec...
This book is a forensic investigation of the suspects accused of the crime of 'climate change'. First the author looks for clues in the long history of the Earth and finds evidence for many factors: the Sun itself, geophysics including plate tectonics, the evolution of new life forms and their biological processes. We also look at the solar system and the galaxy beyond and discover that the Earth is far from isolated in space...and therefore vulnerable.We take time to look at the recent sequence of ice ages which teaches us much about the Earth's own ability to regulate climate and compare...
This book is a forensic investigation of the suspects accused of the crime of 'climate change'. First the author looks for clues in the long history o...
The multiverse is poorly put together and in places reality is worn thin.The Green Man Pub on the Wirral peninsula is such a place and gas fracking only makes things worse.The Old Gods are stirring beneath the Dragon Paths and the Society for Unexplained Phenomena find themselves under siege from strange visitors compelled to tell their stories: the Wicca Woman, Roger Bacon and a very dangerous horn, geomancy, aliens of a sort, time travellers up to no good, the end of the world...maybe, a bar room prophetess creating havoc, climate change deniers, Scouse zombies, an alternative history of...
The multiverse is poorly put together and in places reality is worn thin.The Green Man Pub on the Wirral peninsula is such a place and gas fracking on...
This book records the latest chapter in the long history of state denigration of the 'undeserving poor' in the British underclass.In 2011, following the police killing of a black Londoner with alleged gang associations, riots broke out in several cities.The common threads in the rioters were poverty and minority ethnic protests against police prejudice.The government claimed that the real issue was gangs although only 13% of rioters had gang links.They further claimed that gangs arose because of bad parenting.On this basis they launched the Troubled Families Programme which would reprocess...
This book records the latest chapter in the long history of state denigration of the 'undeserving poor' in the British underclass.In 2011, following t...