The sun has begun a nova sequence--about to scorch people with great heat before going out in darkness--deep freezing the earth But this does not have to happen God has inspired a science that can reverse a nova on the sun from the safety of earth, regenerate the earth, give free electricity and heal everyone for zero fees.
The sun has begun a nova sequence--about to scorch people with great heat before going out in darkness--deep freezing the earth But this does not hav...
The Physics of Genesis Draft 3 is a corrected The Physics of Genesis Draft 2--principally correcting the theory in Chapter 3 Ex-nihilo Creation subsection Speaking Suns into Existence. Hopefully this is the last necessary correction to this important work. This work uses the author's Grand Unification Theory (GUT) to address scientific origin theories, comparing them to the teachings of the Bible Book of Genesis. Included in the discussions are the radioactive dating of the topology of North America through Uranium 234, Thorium 230 and Radium 226 Uranium bog dating.
The Physics of Genesis Draft 3 is a corrected The Physics of Genesis Draft 2--principally correcting the theory in Chapter 3 Ex-nihilo Creation subsec...
Predicting the Masses three volume set utilizes a new Grand Unification Theory to predict the masses of "elementary" particles from first principles according to a Neils Bohr style of energy calculations with circular orbits of particle sub-particles. In this model electrinos are employed instead of quarks. This volume (Volume 1, Introducing Chonomics) starts with the most basic introductory concepts of the new science chonomics and derives from first principles the masses of all "elementary" particles except mesons and baryons. Volume 2 calculates the masses of mesons, and Volume 3...
Predicting the Masses three volume set utilizes a new Grand Unification Theory to predict the masses of "elementary" particles from first principles a...
The Unified Universe, Draft 4 is a non-fiction behind the scenes history of the Universe--past, present, and future. Because of sin introduced by the angel Lucifer, the Universe became divided not only geographically and politically, but in different phases of the order to disorder arrow in the second law of thermodynamics--making communication between the phases very difficult. This book tells the story of how God has solved and is solving the problem--changing the very laws of physics to achieve a Unified Universe.
The Unified Universe, Draft 4 is a non-fiction behind the scenes history of the Universe--past, present, and future. Because of sin introduced by the ...
This book is the completion of the scientific quest for a Higgs boson and a unification of The Standard Model of Physics and a new Grand Unification Theory--The Electrino Fusion Model of Elementary Particles. This book contains a road map for the calculation of each particle's masses from first principles, and data showing that the calculated values are more exact than the measured values--the two being within two place accuracy or better, not only for low masses, but also for high masses. This book pays tribute to Doctor Peter Higgs and all others theorizing and experimenting for the Higgs...
This book is the completion of the scientific quest for a Higgs boson and a unification of The Standard Model of Physics and a new Grand Unification T...