In a sleepy town called Oraromi, peace and tranquility reign supreme. It is the sort of town where nothing ever happens. That is until a young student who makes a habit of mocking a mad man who wanders around the town is bitten by the man after one such mocking episode. This marks the beginning of a strange illness that sweeps across the town killing many whose bodies simply vanish hours after death. A district police officer and his men investigate this strange phenomenon. Their investigations reveal a deadly secret, vile and evil, that is centuries old which could have grave consequences...
In a sleepy town called Oraromi, peace and tranquility reign supreme. It is the sort of town where nothing ever happens. That is until a young student...
A work of fiction based on the human trafficking scourge ravaging the world today told from the perspectives of two sixteen year old girls who are forced to leave their home in Iseluku which is a small settlement on the eastern part of Nigeria to serve in the towns and cities to earn a living Ginika and Ifeanyi are forced to leave their homes to serve as domestic helps in the more affluent homes in the towns and cities. The book chronicles a two year service period. Things go al-right the first year. Its the second year that things start to go very wrong when through a queer quirk of fate...
A work of fiction based on the human trafficking scourge ravaging the world today told from the perspectives of two sixteen year old girls who are for...