This ninth in a series continues this ground-breaking word by word analysis of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake. This chapter features the Holy Spirit "HS"] acting in and through the human female. The HS, described by Jesus as the "comforter" to follow him, inspires ALP to give comfort to her child and to her husband. With her help, her child Shem comes forth as an individual and HCE comes forth during sex. This coming forth of spirit takes place in Earwicker bedrooms, pointedly not in the church. In RCC dogma dutifully repeated here by the gospellers, the HS can perform only in and for the holy...
This ninth in a series continues this ground-breaking word by word analysis of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake. This chapter features the Holy Spirit "H...
This tenth in a series concludes this ground-breaking word-by-word analysis of Finnegans Wake, the literary monument which records James Joyces desperate search for spiritual connection. In the chapter covered by this volume, the main connecting links are reincarnation of ALP and reincarnation of the novel itself.
For his last weave, Tikkun Master Joyce joins strands of Kabbalah and Hinduism to launch a fully realized ALP. She comes to roost but in a new home on the far shore. ALP realizes independence as she throws off fear of the church, of males, and of death. The pivotal event for this...
This tenth in a series concludes this ground-breaking word-by-word analysis of Finnegans Wake, the literary monument which records James Joyces desper...
Fresh from the twilight zone of Kafka's The Metamorphosis, this non-academic author treats on a line by line basis two of Kafka's last stories, stories written while he was wheezing with tuberculosis. Not surprisingly, these stories features pipes, just what Kafka was thinking about all the time while he was bed ridden, his sore pipes. Kafka experienced the threat of death at the same time as he experienced the love of his life with Dora Diamant. In these two stories Kafka spot-lights fear and love, the most basic human issues and those that had taken possession of Kafka's life. Fear and...
Fresh from the twilight zone of Kafka's The Metamorphosis, this non-academic author treats on a line by line basis two of Kafka's last stories, sto...