An adorable love story that revolves around four beautiful lives... Dorasani...was first published as a serial in Swathi weekly magazine and since then has been loved and cherished by many Telugu readers.
An adorable love story that revolves around four beautiful lives... Dorasani...was first published as a serial in Swathi weekly magazine and since the...
Life doesn't have to have a formula. It could be full of unexpected turns and fun. All one needs is faith and uncontainable enthusiasm towards... well... Life... This is our Life with relatable characters in every day events. You won't forget any of these long after you have completed reading because they could have happened in your lives as well.
Life doesn't have to have a formula. It could be full of unexpected turns and fun. All one needs is faith and uncontainable enthusiasm towards... well...
A witty satire on over-controlling aunts, endearing uncles, larger than life family dramas, and non-stop laughs. A humorous take on fun and entertainment that would make you sit up reading and roll on the floor laughing. A must-read for all the Telugu novels fans. Received Kavikokila Gurram Jashuva Vishista Sahitee Award. Also received special recognition from Vanguri Foundation for Best Literature in 4th America Telugu Sahiti Sadassu.
A witty satire on over-controlling aunts, endearing uncles, larger than life family dramas, and non-stop laughs. A humorous take on fun and entertainm...