An historical 'play on reality' in which the reader is given the role of an eighteen-year-old militiaman serving at a frontier redoubt in 1867. He and two colleagues hire two teenage Maori prostitutes for an expedition south to search for gold reputed to be found on the border of the Maori King Country. Initially feeling sorry for his prostitute, the reader comes to love her. She, however, despises him and has her own agenda involving kin from across the border. The main story revolves around the two young people trying to overcome their context enough to respect each other. As the militiamen...
An historical 'play on reality' in which the reader is given the role of an eighteen-year-old militiaman serving at a frontier redoubt in 1867. He and...
A novel set in small town New Zealand over twenty six months in the late 1980s. It describes the effects that three murders have on the police and people in the towns and district where they take place. Described by the author as an 'epistemological whodunit' the book focuses on the different ways that different folk try to make sense of events and bring the killer to justice.
A novel set in small town New Zealand over twenty six months in the late 1980s. It describes the effects that three murders have on the police and peo...