In FOR AS I THINK IN MY HEART - SO I AM, Edward D. Andrews offers practical and biblical insights on a host of Christian spiritual growth struggles, from the challenge of forgiveness to eating disorders, anger, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, pornography, masturbation, same-sex attraction, and many others. Based on Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV): "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he," Andrews' text works from the position that if we can change the way that we think, we can alter the way we feel, which will modify the way we behave.
In FOR AS I THINK IN MY HEART - SO I AM, Edward D. Andrews offers practical and biblical insights on a host of Christian spiritual growth ...
All humans have been created in the image of God, given the free will to choose to follow the life-course outlined by in the Scriptures and find his favor. However, every Christian can stumble in their walk with God, becoming mired in our imperfection and human weaknesses, even developing unhealthy thinking. Paul exhorts us to "not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." (Rom. 12:2) In The Battle for the Christian Mind, Andrews helps us to see that our faithful life-course is a journey of many decades, in which, we must continue on a lifelong...
All humans have been created in the image of God, given the free will to choose to follow the life-course outlined by in the Scriptures and find hi...
MOST Christian apologetic books help the reader know WHAT to say; THE CHRISTIAN APOLOGIST is HOW to communicate it effectively. The Christian apologist's words should always be seasoned with salt as he or she shares the unadulterated truths of Scripture with gentleness and respect. Our example in helping the unbeliever to understand the Bible has been provided by Jesus Christ and his apostles. Whether dealing with Bible critics or answering questions from those genuinely interested, Jesus referred to the Scriptures and at times used appropriate illustrations, helping those with a...
MOST Christian apologetic books help the reader know WHAT to say; THE CHRISTIAN APOLOGIST is HOW to communicate it effectively. The Christ...
The reader will receive eight small introductory books in this one publication. Andrews' intention is to offer his reader several chapters on eight of the most critical subject areas of understanding and defending the Word of God. This will enable the reader to lay a solid foundation for which he can build throughout his Christian life. These eight sections with multiple chapters in each cover biblical interpretation, Bible translation philosophies, textual criticism, Bible difficulties, the Holy Spirit, Christian Apologetics, Christian Evangelism, and Christian Living.
The reader will receive eight small introductory books in this one publication. Andrews' intention is to offer his reader several chapters on eight...
Evangelism is the work of a Christian evangelist, of which all true Christians are obligated to partake to some extent, which seeks to persuade other people to become Christian, especially by sharing the basics of the Gospel, but also the deeper message of biblical truths. Today the Gospel is almost an unknown, so what does the Christian evangelist do? Preevangelism is laying a foundation for those who have no knowledge of the Gospel, giving them background information, so that they can grasp what they are hearing. The Christian evangelist is preparing...
Evangelism is the work of a Christian evangelist, of which all true Christians are obligated to partake to some extent, which seek...
YOUNG REBELS, your emotions are like a fire. When controlled, they are useful; when uncontrolled, they are damaging. HEREIN you will learn the secret to controlling your emotions.YOUR REBELLIOUS HEART can be renewed if YOUR MIND is receptive to the help. Parents need to find a middle ground between being too strict and being too permissive. Wrong behavior must be handled but in a gentle way. THIS BOOK IS FOR male and female tweens, teens, and parents.
All of the questions below are answered...
YOUNG REBELS, your emotions are like a fire. When controlled, they are useful; when uncontrolled, they are damaging. HEREI...
Hundreds of millions accept the Bible as the God-breathed (inspired), fully inerrant Word of God. They struggle in today's world of the atheist, agnostic, and skeptic, to convince others that we have a Creator, and he has inspired a written book, to give direction to imperfect man. Why has there been such a struggle to convince the modern man? Unlike centuries past, many unbelievers today have never read the Bible. Thus, they only have a hazy understanding of what is to be found within its pages, hearing mostly conjecture and innuendo about its content. The modern mind may wonder . . .
Hundreds of millions accept the Bible as the God-breathed (inspired), fully inerrant Word of God. They struggle in today's world of the atheist, ag...
IS THE QURAN THE WORD OF GOD? Is Islam the One True Faith? This book covers the worldview, practices, and history of Islam and the Quran. This book is designed as an apologetic evangelistic tool for Christians, as they come across Muslims in their daily lives, as well as to inform them, as a protection again the misleading media. The non-Muslims need to hear these truths about Islam and the Quran so they can have an accurate understanding of the Muslim mindset that leads to their actions. Islam is the second largest religion in the world. Radical Islam has taken the world by...
IS THE QURAN THE WORD OF GOD? Is Islam the One True Faith? This book covers the worldview, practices, and history of Islam and the Quran. ...
EARLY CHRISTIANITY IN THE FIRST CENTURY will give its readers a thrilling account of first-century Christianity. When and how did they come to be called Christians? Who are all obligated to be Christian evangelists? In what way did Jesus set the example for our evangelism? What is the Kingdom of God? What was their worship like and why were they called the Truth and the Way? How did 120 disciples at Pentecost grow to over one million within 70-80-years? What was meant by their witness to the ends of the earth? How did Christianity in its infancy function to accomplish all it did? How was...
EARLY CHRISTIANITY IN THE FIRST CENTURY will give its readers a thrilling account of first-century Christianity. When and how did they come to be c...
The intention of this book is to investigate the biblical chronology behind Jehovah's Witnesses most controversial doctrinal position that Jesus began to rule invisibly from heaven in October 1914. This biblical chronology of the Witnesses hinges upon their belief that the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians, which they say occurred in 607 B.C.E. The Witnesses conclude that Chapter 4 of the book of Daniel prophesied a 2,520 year period that began in 607 B.C.E. and ended in 1914 C.E. They state, "Clearly, the 'seven times' and 'the appointed times of the nations' refer to the same...
The intention of this book is to investigate the biblical chronology behind Jehovah's Witnesses most controversial doctrinal position that Jesus be...