Greed, Deception, Murder Encircle the CIA in Potential Embarrassment... "Into the arms of death I go, if only to grow." The words of Richard Q, upon his graduation from the CIA "Farm." Life has a beginning, an end, and in its tenure there is sin, thus we begin...... Finding himself in a sea of intrigue, Richard Q, Proprietor of Cafe Trieste, CIA retired, is called upon to embark on a road of unknown consequence. Revenge, greed, murder, two billion in missing gold, propels Q, into harm's way, and the employ of his old talents. This circuitous tale surfaces in the middle of World War II, and...
Greed, Deception, Murder Encircle the CIA in Potential Embarrassment... "Into the arms of death I go, if only to grow." The words of Richard Q, upon h...