Ensenanza de los hijos: "UN HOGAR UNIDO"esta basado en la serie de seminarios populares "Ensenando a Gobernarse a Si Mismos" de Nicholeen. Este libro muestra a los padres las habilidades comunicativas necesarias, a fin de ensenar a los hijos a gobernarse a si mismos. Las familias pueden llegar a ser mas felices por medio de un ambiente familiar adecuado y la comprension del comportamiento de los ninos. Si las familias implementan, de manera simple, algunos de los principios de ensenanza comprobados, la familia mejorara. El candido estilo de Nicholeen y su experiencia con adolescentes...
Ensenanza de los hijos: "UN HOGAR UNIDO"esta basado en la serie de seminarios populares "Ensenando a Gobernarse a Si Mismos" de Nicholeen. Este libro ...
Where are our parenting choices leading our children? Are they self-governing now? Will they be trained to be self-governing as adults? If not, it is time for a Cultural Parenting Revolution in your home. This book will give you insight into examining what may need to change.
Where are our parenting choices leading our children? Are they self-governing now? Will they be trained to be self-governing as adults? If not, it is ...
Roles. They define our rights, obligations, responsibilities, beliefs, and even who we are. How well do we each understand our respective roles? How do we teach our children about proper roles? How would the problems children and parents face change if they better understood roles? Aren't parents - whether aggressive, passive or assertive - always defining roles anyway? How do roles affect business relationships? Why do we see the roles in today's world wrapped around so much confusion and debate when it's impossible to escape roles?
This book makes roles easier to...
Roles. They define our rights, obligations, responsibilities, beliefs, and even who we are. How well do we each understand our res...