As the story begins, Jason Wessman, seated in a hospital waiting room in Seattle, is about to visit his deathly ill cousin and alter ego, Jonah Cannard, from whom he has been estranged. The story involves the two cousins and a neighbor, Wes Jonnamass, who often serves as a counterpoint to the other two. Jason's presence at the hospital is due both to Wes and to a fourth man, Noah, Jason's brother seven years younger, who has encouraged Jason to reunite with the man whom he has loved but disapproved of for several years. From boys to men each in his own way voyages toward an illusive...
As the story begins, Jason Wessman, seated in a hospital waiting room in Seattle, is about to visit his deathly ill cousin and alter ego, Jonah Can...
As the story begins, Jason Wessman, seated in a hospital waiting room in Seattle, is about to visit his deathly ill cousin and alter ego, Jonah Cannard, from whom he has been estranged. The story involves the two cousins and a neighbor, Wes Jonnamass, who often serves as a counterpoint to the other two. Jason's presence at the hospital is due both to Wes and to a fourth man, Noah, Jason's brother seven years younger, who has encouraged Jason to reunite with the man whom he has loved but disapproved of for several years. From boys to men each in his own way voyages toward an illusive...
As the story begins, Jason Wessman, seated in a hospital waiting room in Seattle, is about to visit his deathly ill cousin and alter ego, Jonah Can...