"Animal Friends" is a collection of nine illustrated children's stories where each animal is struggling to accept the differences in others as well as in themselves.
"Animal Friends" is a collection of nine illustrated children's stories where each animal is struggling to accept the differences in others as well as...
More Animal Friends is the next book in the Animal Friends series including nine illustrated stores in rhyme about animals facing a variety of problems that children also face.
More Animal Friends is the next book in the Animal Friends series including nine illustrated stores in rhyme about animals facing a variety of problem...
The Story of God is an illustrated, three part children's book about the part God played in the creation of our universe, through the arrival of humans, and beyond. Part one starts with the creation and ends with bugs.
The Story of God is an illustrated, three part children's book about the part God played in the creation of our universe, through the arrival of human...
This is part three in "The Story of God" trilogy starting with the arrival of humans and including God's involvement with his people and the pathway to him.
This is part three in "The Story of God" trilogy starting with the arrival of humans and including God's involvement with his people and the pathway t...
Has it ever bothered you that many nursery rhymes are violent and have themes not appropriate for children such as murder, breaking and entering, child neglect, harassment and cruelty to animals? Well, Sherlock Peacock has arrived in Fairyland to address these issues and make fairy land a safe place for children to visit.
Has it ever bothered you that many nursery rhymes are violent and have themes not appropriate for children such as murder, breaking and entering, chil...
Jake is not happy that all he can do is hissss. He tries to make the sounds of other animals but in the end decides that hissing is the best sound because that is the sound God intended.
Jake is not happy that all he can do is hissss. He tries to make the sounds of other animals but in the end decides that hissing is the best sound bec...