National Science and Technology Council Penny Hill Press
Virtually every analysis of U.S. scientific and technical activity uses as its foundation the data on Federal research and development (R&D) spending collected through the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) surveys of Federal agencies. The data are used by government, academia, industry, and a host of nonprofit analytical and advocacy groups as the primary source of information about Federal spending on R&D. These data are also used by Federal agencies, the White House, and Congress as the basis for making budgetary and policy decisions about the...
Virtually every analysis of U.S. scientific and technical activity uses as its foundation the data on Federal research and development (R&D) spending ...
The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program is the Nation's primary source of federally funded work on advanced information technologies (IT) in computing, networking, and software. The multiagency NITRD Program seeks to provide the research and development (R&D) foundations for assuring continued U.S. technological leadership and meeting the needs of the Federal Government for advanced information technologies. The NITRD Program also seeks to accelerate development and deployment of advanced information technologies in order to maintain world leadership...
The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program is the Nation's primary source of federally funded work on advanced...
National Science and Technology Council Penny Hill Press
This document, A 21st Century Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for America's National Security, lays out the needs, opportunities, and challenges facing America's national security ST&I enterprise and sets forth a vision for its health and sufficiency enterprise in four critical areas: (1) workforce; (2) facilities and infrastructure; (3) governance roles and responsibilities; and (4) innovative capacity to transform ideas into working technology.
This document, A 21st Century Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for America's National Security, lays out the needs, opportunities, and cha...
National Science and Technology Council Penny Hill Press
The National Privacy Research Strategy establishes objectives for Federally-funded privacy research (both extramural and government-internal research), provides a structure for coordinating research and development in privacy-enhancing technologies, and encourages multi-disciplinary research that recognizes the responsibilities of the government and the needs of society. The overarching goal of this strategy is to produce knowledge and technology that will enable individuals, commercial entities, and the government to benefit from transformative technological advancements, enhance...
The National Privacy Research Strategy establishes objectives for Federally-funded privacy research (both extramural and government-internal research)...