Explores the utility of forward presence in Eurpoe placing the recent decisions in the context of a decades-long tradition on the part of many political leaders, scholars and others.
Explores the utility of forward presence in Eurpoe placing the recent decisions in the context of a decades-long tradition on the part of many politic...
The Routledge Handbook on Defence Studies provides a comprehensive guide to the key debates around defence studies in the 21st century.
Defence studies is a multi-disciplinary study of how agents, predominantly states, prepare for and go to war. Where security studies has been broadened and stretched to cover at times the near totality of international and domestic affairs and war studies has come to mean more than just operations and tactics but also experiences and outcomes, defence studies remains a coherent area of study primarily aimed at how defence policy changes over time...
The Routledge Handbook on Defence Studies provides a comprehensive guide to the key debates around defence studies in the 21st century.
Is NATO prepared to return to collective defense in the face of Russia's annexation of Crimea, invasion of Ukraine, and aggressive posturing across northeastern Europe? Arguing that NATO faces critical hurdles in re-embracing collective defense, this text offers practical solutions aimed at adjusting alliance strategy, resourcing, and readiness.
Is NATO prepared to return to collective defense in the face of Russia's annexation of Crimea, invasion of Ukraine, and aggressive posturing across no...
Is NATO prepared to return to collective defense in the face of Russia's annexation of Crimea, invasion of Ukraine, and aggressive posturing across northeastern Europe? Arguing that NATO faces critical hurdles in re-embracing collective defense, this text offers practical solutions aimed at adjusting alliance strategy, resourcing, and readiness.
Is NATO prepared to return to collective defense in the face of Russia's annexation of Crimea, invasion of Ukraine, and aggressive posturing across no...