In a dystopian England in the 2050s, people who cannot pay size insurance are shrunk. Here Tom Flack finds himself fighting for the rights of the small. But he has big enemies, including his ex-wife, Vanessa - TV's Tallulah Twinkleplum - and her grotesque brother Lloyd, a fat, sleazy sex pest who loves seared offal flavour snacks soaked in whale oil. Tom also has a third enemy, Lloyd's crooked boss Moffat P Perculie. He is a fan of foxhunting and teenage stable girls, is burdened with a wife called Arabella Byng-Boyne and is inordinately proud of a Norman forebear who hid the halibut on the...
In a dystopian England in the 2050s, people who cannot pay size insurance are shrunk. Here Tom Flack finds himself fighting for the rights of the smal...